30 Aralık 2017 Cumartesi



Today's article is different. Because this article is my first English article. I hope you like it.

This article is about a book. Its title is '' The Stranger'' by Albert CAMUS. Albert CAMUS is a very successful writer. He is famous writer of worldwide. This book is his first one.

The Stranger's main character is Meursault. One day Meursault commited a crime but people didn't mind this. People minded he talked his real feelings. He refused the requests of the society. So Meursault didn't agree with people and he was stranger.

I have a criticism about the book. The book have 2 part and second part is the most eventful than first part. So i like first part. Maybe you can get a little squeezed while reading the first part.

People always talk and always criticize.YOU DON'T AFRAID OF BEING STRANGER. Don't worry you are never alone. If you feel alone, you touch your heart and you say to yourself ' I AM STRONG AND I LOVE MYSELF. I DON'T CARE WHAT PEOPLE THİNK ABOUT ME.'

My first English article has finished. I hope you liked it. Your comments are very important for me. GOODBYE.



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